My French connection started when I transferred to Kean University and finally figured out how to log-on to the eMail system when I saw a posting by University Relations entitled "iStory Tour Paris". WHAT!? I never double clicked on a link so fast in my life! Anticipation is sweet.
The posting read: "Haven’t Made Plans for Spring Break ’07? Kean University is pleased to announce an iStory Tour to Paris during the Spring 2007 break. Through the combined efforts of the Department of Media & Film, the Center for International Studies, and the Center for Innovative Education, we offer this unique TraveLearn, where participants can blog, podcast, and create digital stories about their Paris experience. Family, friends and colleagues can follow your travels in this magnificent city. There are still a few seats left for this unique TraveLearn. If interested, please click here to download more details or contact the Center for International Studies at XXX-XXX-XXXX."
The race was on to register just in the nick-of-time for one of the last two seats and for the course of course. This is just what I needed an elective at the 4000 level outside of my major and "oh yeah" in FRANCE! I pondered the thought ... can I get the company I work for to pay for this? Afterall it is college credit and there is a tuition reimbursement plan.
Oh yeah! I can't wait to land in Paris! Hopefully, I'll hear the french music playing in the streets. Pose under the Arc de Triomphe; run up the stairs at the Eiffel Tower; stroll the Jardin du Luxembourg and snap a couple photos with a few GQ cuties by the Pantheon.
I will definitely check out the distinguished Shakespeare & Company Bookstore to see how it compares to USA's Barnes & Nobles, my favorite hang-out to study and munch. I can just picture myself now studying with a serving of creme brulee and cafe au lait! Now after that indulgence I'll find the Notre Dame Cathedral and make a quick confession. Wow there's going to be so much to see and do! In Versaille, i'll discover King Louis XIV palace where I'll definitely feel like a princess. Next trek is to the Loire Valley's romantic french countryside, makes me think of wine tasting? Montmartre, sounds like - hey this is where one of my favorite movies Amelie was filmed and it received five academy award nominations too! Oh yeah, what about those Catacombes I read about in CCD (Catholic Sunday School). Yes, eMail is a wonderful thing!
... click-click!
Pre-trip assignment: Human Interst Story